Statement on Racial Justice from Superintendent Stan Mantooth

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MANTOOTHSTAN2015-sma...In recent days, we have watched peaceful protests call for justice and equality after the killing of George Floyd. We have seen thousands of people engage in nonviolent peaceful protests. We have also witnessed media images of violence in our communities and across America.

Our children will seek to understand these events. As adults and educators, we must listen and respond with honesty and empathy. We also must teach them to stand up against racism, injustice, and inequity through non-violent means.

Current events demonstrate both the urgency and fundamental importance of embedding in public education the values of eliminating racism and implicit bias, the principle of identifying and closing inequities in educational opportunities and achievement, and the urgency of promoting thoughtful expression and moral courage.

Working with State Superintendent Thurmond and other state and local education leaders, the 58 county superintendents of California are committed to continuing the important conversation illuminated by recent events, and to promoting equity and justice as fundamental principles in all our activities. 

Stan Mantooth
Ventura County Superintendent of Schools
On behalf of all California County Superintendents of Schools 

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